Eddie Phillips, MD
I’m the chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services at the VA Boston Healthcare System and a faculty member of Harvard Medical School. I’m also the founder and director of the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine (ILM), and a Fellow of American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM), where I helped to develop and lead ACSM’s Exercise is Medicine™ global initiative.
I am the co-author of ACSM’s Exercise is Medicine,™ A Clinician’s Guide to Exercise Prescription (Wolters-Kluwer, 2009). I am the co-founder and co-director of the Lifestyle Medicine Education Collaborative (LMEd) which is working to include lifestyle medicine in medical school curricula.
I am an active clinician and researcher, and I speak and consult nationally. My mission is to guide a broad-based effort to reduce lifestyle-related death, disease, and costs through clinician-directed interventions with patients. The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition has recognized me and the ILM with its Community Leadership Award. From time to time I appear on national media, including Good Morning America, ESPN radio, and in Time magazine.
You can reach me at: ephillips1@mgh.harvard.edu.